Huawei’s portfolio of mobile products includes a 360-degree camera named CV60 that was limited only to China until today. The Chinese manufacturer finally brought the gadget to Hungary, meaning it is starting its European rollout.

Huawei Panorama 360 Camera
Each of the two cameras has a 1/3.06” Sony sensor and f/1.8 lens. Photos max out at 5326 x 2688 pixels while video recording comes in either 1920 x 960 (30 fps) or 1280 x 640 (30 fps again). The gadget has an iCatch V35 SoC for processing the images.
The CV60, also named Huawei Panorama 360 Camera, was presented by a Leica representative and a Huawei manager based in the Central European country. It is not made exclusively for Huawei devices - all phones with at least Android 6.0 Marshmallow and USB-C port can use it. They would only need the Huawei EnVizion 360 app which could be found on the Play Store after October 16
Huawei Panorama 360 Camera retail box
The camera is expected to hit the shelves on October 17. The retail price of the Huawei Panorama 360 Camera is €39 and it will be available via various online and offline retailers.